Compensation for Office Workers

Compensation for office workers

Many office injuries like neck and back pain are sustained from long hours at poorly designed workstations or from repetitive actions. Injuries from lifting heavy objects like archive boxes are also common, especially when appropriate lifting equipment hasn’t been provided. Whether you’ve been in an accident or sustained an injury that’s developed over time, you should report your injury to your employer and ask them to notify their workers compensation insurer. If you’ve been injured in NSW while working in an office, our team of specialist workers' compensation lawyers will help you get the maximum compensation available to you.

Office Injury Compensation Claims

If you think that workers’ compensation only applies to dangerous jobs such as construction, think again. Even seemingly safe occupations carry the risk of debilitating injury. This applies to those who work in an office setting.

Office work may not appear to contain hazards, yet the following are common sources of injury for such employees. If any of these apply to you, then you may have a workers’ compensation claim.

Falls, trips or slips

Falls are the primary source of injury in the workplace, no matter the industry. Falls in the office can happen due to:

  •        Slipping on wet or slick floors
  •        Losing your balance on unstable chairs, step stools and ladders
  •        Tripping over cords or open file drawers
  •        Running into a co-worker

Falls can cause fractures, broken bones, sprains and even traumatic brain injuries. All of these affect your ability to work and lead to high medical costs.

Repetitive motion

As an office employee, you are more likely to suffer from a musculoskeletal disorder as a result of repeated motions. For example, you may develop carpal tunnel from constant typing and writing, or you may experience back pain from sitting all day or lifting and carrying heavy boxes. Although these injuries develop over time, they are just as eligible for workers’ compensation claim.

Office equipment

You may not be dealing with hammers or toxic chemicals, but office equipment can also be harmful. File cabinets, boxes and other objects can fall on you. You may jam your finger in a door or drawer or get your clothes caught on a machine. Even sharp desk corners, paper cutters and heavy-duty staplers can cause serious harm.

Office work may not be the most hazardous job, but it still requires following industry standards and taking necessary precautions.

I’ve been injured working in an office. What should I do?

Workers compensation isn’t just for dangerous jobs, the NSW workers compensation scheme exists to protect all workers. Many office injuries like neck and back pain are sustained from long hours at poorly designed workstations or from repetitive actions. Injuries from lifting heavy objects like archive boxes are also common, especially when appropriate lifting equipment hasn’t been provided. Whether you’ve been in an accident or sustained an injury that’s developed over time, you should report your injury to your employer and ask them to notify their workers compensation insurer.

If you’re unsure what to do, it costs nothing to call one of Firths specialist workers' compensation lawyers and receive the expert advice that can make all the difference to how much compensation you receive. 

Call Firths on 1800 631 888 for a free workers' compensation claim assessment.



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