Compensation for Nurses

Compensation for nurses & Aged Care Workers

As a nurse or aged care worker you’re regularly in situations that can cause physical injuries, but these injuries don’t necessarily happen as a result of an accident, they can occur over time. Many injuries result from incidents like lifting a patient after a fall, especially when patient lifting equipment isn’t available, and other situations where your own safety is compromised. If you’ve been injured on the job our team of specialist workers' compensation lawyers will help you get the maximum compensation available to you.

Nurses & Aged Care Injury Compensation Claims

Nurses and aged care workers do more than check on medications and change sheets for patients. In our experience they provide much of the medical treatment at hospitals and medical facilities. As such, nurses and aged care workers are exposed to a number of safety and health hazards. 

Common nurse and aged care workers accidents and injuries:

Exposure to bloodborne pathogens and biological hazards

Nurses and aged care workers are exposed to many infectious diseases while performing their job duties. Infectious disease transmission can occur through direct contact with the skin (needle prick injuries, blood droplets on skin) or indirect contact (airborne transmission). Of these infectious diseases, Hepatitis B and HIV are some of the more serious ones transmitted to nurses in workplace accidents.

Exposure to toxic chemicals used by to sterilize or disinfect equipment 

Nurses and aged care workers are often responsible for cleaning and disinfecting equipment. They may suffer harm from chemicals such as ethylene oxide, which is used to sterilize surgical equipment, formaldehyde, which is used as a disinfectant and sterilant, and glutaraldehyde, which helps with cold sterilization, disinfecting, and the processing of x-rays.

Exposure to hazardous drugs 

This includes drugs used for antiviral treatments, hormone therapy, and cancer chemotherapy.

Exposure to water aesthetic gases such as nitrous oxide and desflurane 

These aesthetic gases can leak through a patient’s breathing circuit while a nurse and other health care providers are delivering anaesthesia.

Exposure to emergency response hazards 

Nurses and aged care workers may be asked to provide emergency medical care to individuals who have been exposed to chemical, biological, or radioactive hazards such as anthrax.

Exposure to radiation 

Any nurse or aged care worker who helps patients undergoing x-rays and diagnostic tests may be exposed to high levels of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. This is why having appropriate protective gear and functioning x-ray machines is so important.

Exposure to latex 

Some nurses and aged care workers are allergic to latex, which is derived from fluid found in rubber trees. Rubber gloves consist of latex.

Exposure to lasers 

Lasers produce a highly directional beam of light and may be used as scalpels or probes while delivering healthcare. Nurses may suffer burns if exposed to lasers.

Workplace violence.

Workplace violence includes any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening behaviour that happens at work, and is a real threat to nurses and aged care workers in NSW. Sometimes patients become confused or outraged while dealing with their medical impairments and lash out at the nurses trying to help. 

Patient Handling 

Nurses and aged care workers are often required to lift, transfer, and reposition patients and equipment. This can lead to sprains, strains, broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, concussions, fractures, and back, neck, and spinal cord injuries.

Slip, Trips, and Falls 

Nurses or aged care workers may slip on liquid on the floor or trip over medical devices while delivering healthcare.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Nurses and aged care workers often face traumatic situations which can lead to elevated rates of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression and suicidal thoughts and actions.


Why it's important to have Firths on my side?

There are many obstacles that can stand between you and the WorkCover benefits you are entitled to. Just understanding how best to fill in an injury report can have far reaching consequences should your injury turn out to have complications in the longer run.

It is also sensible to recognise that the NSW WorkCover Authority is not in the business of fighting for your rights to proper benefits. It is a government run insurance agency that has a vested interested in protecting the premiums it levies on companies and organisations in NSW. Knowing how the system works is critical to claiming the full benefits and compensation that is available.

If you have been injured on the job as a nurse or aged care worker call us now on 1800 631 888 for a free workers' compensation claim assessment



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